What happened to me?! I am hungry all the time, really, ALL THE TIME.
I tend to follow the Dutch diet here, but still maintain a vegetarian, of course. So I wake up in the morning and start my day with ginger tea. (Sorry, this is my personal touch to the diet. I need it for much colder weather on Netherlands, to prevent Dutch cold.) Since I am here, a land famous for its dairy products, I have added milk to my spicy hot drink. And after, I have a banana with a bowl of plain yogurt, and sometimes one more mug with soar milk. (Who would have known this drink can actually sell!) And after, I consume a grand pot of coffeeine, tea or coffee, with a lot of milk of course. And after, here comes my morning sandwich, consisted of two slices of toast, salad, three slices of Gouda, and pasted in mayonaise, mustard, and ketchup.
Even binging like this early of the day, I can start feeling famine at 10:30 in the morning...
As for my luch sandwich, it is exactly the same as my morning one.
So of course I get hungry at 3:30 in the afternoon again. I usually hunt for hot chocolate with a lot of milk, of course.

Dutch is mostly unlike the sounthern west European, for they dine between 5 to 7 for dinner. (My Italian friends were in shock and excalimed right away, "Come to Italy, now, Katie!!!" They are the people enjoy two-hour-to-forever-long dinner fiesta, and refuse to sacrifice their lunch hours for any task.) Restaurants are genuinely rushed in the food-craving crowd right after the office hour, so dining places get to close really early here. For the rest of European's standard, a bistro's not taking order after 8:30 is unacceptably early. But who can blame these sandwich munching people? Certainly they are desperately for food early in the afternoon. The petit sandwich with paper-thin salami does not keep one alive for long.

However, with all this dairy consuming, I am very concerned that I might return home a cattle. Let's finger-cross for Kat is never spelled as calf.